Bharat Smart Services

by Coral Innovations



BSS App is a ideal tool to reduce your Electricity/Water/Gas bills. Energy Conservation and Bill Reduction is made simple for consumers.Just one photo of your meter and know your expected units/bill for the month. Do it consistently to track, monitor & control your usage and bill.Useful for every Consumer - Domestic, Residential, Shops, Industries, High value, HT consumers.. etc.,Subscribe to our paid services - Optimizing your Utility bills is our responsibility.As meter reading is done in a fool proof manner you can always use the meter readings done through the App as a proof to respective Utilities. Self-Employement Opportunity:Transforming Local Workforce as Climate Yodha and creating Self Employment opportunity to help consumers around his/her locality/community.By using App regularly, users can be in subsidy slab(<100/200/400Units) as per Tariff of respective Utilities and avail Zero Bill/subsidised BillUtilities:AI-Powered OCR services helping Utilities to get their monthly meter reading done accurately. Every Improper meter read can be filtered before saving or Bill generation.Bharat Self Meter Reading (Bharat SMR) is part of Bharat Smart Services.BharatSMR platform enables Utilities to empower their consumers to self submit their meter reading from their smart phone in a foolproof manner.Presently, BharatSMR Platform support Self Meter Reading for below Utility consumers 1. TSNPDCL2. HMWSSBAbove & below utility consumers can track, monitor & control Electricity/Water/Gas usage by taking regular meter reading of their respective meters.1. TSSPDCL2. Torrent Power, Ahmadabad3. PSPCL, Punjab4. CSPDCL5. CESC, Karnataka6. Tata Power, Mumbai7. MSEDCL (Mahavitaran)8. KSEB, Kerala9. TPDDL (Tata Power DDL)10. TSECL, Tripura11. BYPL (BSES Yamuna)12. BRPL (BSES Rajdhani)13. CESU, Odisha14. TANGEDCO, Tamil Nadu15. APEPDCL16. APSPDCL17. UPPCL18. WBSEDCL19. NBPDCL, SBPDCL (Bihar)20. MPPKVVCL (Madhya Pradesh)21. DHBVN22. Other Utilities too..For any assistance in self reading your meter please share your Meter Video to whatsapp to "7287 030303"